Wednesday, November 5, 2008


A few weeks ago tony, lana, luke & I visited minneapolis. customary pic in front of the spoon is proof. I always forget how much I like minneapolis.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

favre party

Amanda kept going outside to talk with Troy's skeleton. No one had the heart to tell her it was motion activated and not a real live skeleton. (Just kidding, Amanda)

This is tom giving me the evil eye for making fun of amanda. and I just say , "It's all good Tommy. We's all friends, see...

I'll leave you with the cutest 40 pounds I've seen in quite some time - Lu!

Monday, November 3, 2008

happy hollaween

The festivities started with some good ol' pumpkin carving. Or as tony likes to call it "punkin" carving. tony also likes "punkin" pie quite a bit.

There were some old friends...

and family (deb your costume was great - so scary!)

and new friends.

Tony ended the night by stealing his "punkin" back. (This is where kelly's memory of the night gets a little hazy.)

Friday, August 15, 2008


I'm going to try and be a better person and post something this year. For instance, Tony and I went to Greece earlier this year, BUT YOU'D NEVER KNOW THAT cause i haven't updated the blog.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


after the downpour, in the early evening,
late sunlight glinting off the raindrops sliding
down the broad backs of the redbud leaves
beside the porch, beyond the railing, each leaf
bending and springing back and bending again
beneath the dripping,
between existences,
ecstatic, the souls grow mischievous, they break ranks,
swerve from the rigid V's of their migration,
their iron destinies, down to the leaves
they flutter in among, rising and settling,
bodiless, but pretending to have bodies,

their weightlessness more weightless for the ruse,
their freedom freer, their as-ifs nearly not,
until the night falls like an order and
they rise on one vast wing that darkens down
the endless flyways into other bodies.

Nothing will make you less afraid.

by Alan Shapiro